Tuesday, May 8, 2018

I've Moved to Wordpress... For info on my bands Follow my new blog there...

Ok... Here is my last post here.... I'm moving to wordpress for a lot of reasons, the biggest is that I don't like blogger as much anymore... I'm moving to wordpress for that and for the fact that I don't like the idea that blogger and youtube are always connected... For other reasons.

Anyway I am doing a wordpress blog now on a lot of different topics, my bands music is one of them...

Other topics include Professional Wrestling, Doom Mods and Mapping, Slaughtermaps, Challenge Runs, Personal Issues with anything,  Black Metal scenes around the world, and more...

A lot of  topics to cover, and I've only covered 2 so far.. A lot of posts so far but very few views... I want to increase that so I've decided to blog here about my new blog...

If you like the topics above follow me at:

Ok People. This is my last post here, so if you want updates on my bands check that blog out... I won't be back here... Ever...