Monday, July 10, 2017

Music upload sites to avoid like the plague

Ok.... Throughout Unleashing Vengeance's History, we have tried, Many, Many mp3 upload sites. 99% of them have failed us miserably. That's not a lie or an exaggeration. We tried lots and lots of sites and very few gave us satisfactory (1000+) plays. In fact only 3, THREE sites gave us satisfactory plays and in 2 out of these 3, the Plays eventually stopped happening...  The rest we got 10-15 plays MAX... It was horrible. Some gave us link spam, some gave spam on twitter accounts for bands, and worse.... Here is a list of the top offenders for horrible sites....


Signed up our music here a long time ago.... Got fed up with the site... Wasn't getting a lot of plays. Got our music added to a metal interet radio but only 1 song was added, nothing else... Not a horrible site, the rest on this list are either ok to bad to terrible so... Got my black metal bands signed up here and the songs got added to a station playing 90% dance pop and rap... WTF! DONT use this site, they don't know good music if it bites them in the ass. Dance pop and rap should not be mixed in with BLACK FUCKING METAL!


Signed up Unleashing Vengeance to here. It was a metal site... Songs got very few plays and the stupid idiot who runs the site DARED to post a forum topic about my band. No one replied. That's good and bad. Good because no one trashed it and couldn't. Bad because I never asked them to do this, PERIOD...


Signed up Unleashing Vengeance here...  Got almost NO plays... Person who reviewed it said it sounded like Metallica meets crappy dance music, which it wasn't... The song I used kind of sounded like folk metal though...


Signed up Unleashing Vengeance here.. Got almost no plays. AGAIN

6) myspace music

Signed up Unleashing Vengeance here when it was really young. Got a lot of plays but because autoplay was turned off later this didn't last...

5) bandcamp

Signed up Unleashing Vengeance here... Site didn't support mp3 files which is stupid. Got tons of "skips" here... Really dumb. The fanbase was so crappy that they couldn't stand metal... Site sucks, never go here...

4) soundcloud

Oh boy... The big one... Minus the last...  At first it was fine. Got 2000+ plays for unleashing vengeance... But later on BS happened. Signed all my bands up here because I thought it was good. But it had serious problems that I wouldn't see till after all of this...

Number 1, the spam level on this site is horrible. Everytime you post a track, you get spammers spamming "buy free followers" as their image...  So I blocked them. And got more... And blocked them... And got more... You also get ignorant idiots posting "rap guides" as spam to ANY ARTIST OF ANY GENRE... One of these guys is called 21... He keeps liking your song with multiple accounts if you post it and delete and repost it later because the production issues have been fixed (like I did a lot)...He won't stop till you delete the track. FUCK RAP! It's the worst kind of "music" ever, it's just a bunch of street thugs saying made up words over a fake drum beat or plagiarized music... Never ONCE did 21 or all the other idiot rap followers look to see that Unleashing vengeance was a FUCKING METAL BAND... I kept on getting tons of dance and rap followers and very few metalhead followers and eventually I tried "free" "promotion" which gave me more crappy rap followers only so I ditched the fucking site and went to Did I mention tons of people are using playcount inflators there, services that allow them to "fake" plays with soundcloud so they get millions of plays per hour and soundcloud does NOTHING about them?

3) Reverbnation

Went here a long time ago.. Did well there for a WHILE... But as the sound got worse produced due to a virus failure of my mixing PC for unleashing vengeance in 2009, my chart rating plummeted, from 35 to 200 in about a day. I tried to compensate by putting my players on my myspace page for the band but it barely worked because I turned on autoplay but they turned it off on any player including mine...

I came back later and had the SAME damn chart problem... It's like no one was willing to play my songs multiple times. 1-10 plays per song, 1-2 for the later songs. I had to post music daily to compensate for this and Later on I figured out people were using fake play services too.... Like these ones....

Metalheads were "Advertising" these as "promotion" on twitter... it pissed me off... Here is proof...

And metalbands were in fact using them... I got this image as proof..

How does one INDIE band from boston (which I have never heard of till 2014, and I know of a lot of metal bands from Boston), get 2274 video plays per day and only get ONE SONG PLAY? They only get 104 widget impressions....It's impossible for them to get that many plays per day on videos. Hell I got NONE per day... Period... They must have been using these playcount inflator bullshit programs..

2) tweetmysong

A long time ago I tried twitter and wanted to get unleashing vengeance on it when it was known as Psychotic Fury and was a 1 man band (back then).. So I tried Tweetmysong. I got a few plays.. Didn't know it was a (c)rap site... Hence all the "mixtapes" all over it... (only (c)rap sites have mixtape bs, only Rappers make mixtapes)... Within a week, all the songs were renamed with a stupid naming pattern and changed genre-wise to hip hop, even though they were FUCKING METAL! Apparently tweetmysong allows people to HACK into accounts while  they are still logged in... I left myself logged in one night and it happened.. No security. I thought it was the worst music uploading site ever due to this.... Until I found the next one...

1) Indienation

This pitifully bad service, pile of crap site, whatever you want to call it was advertised by (c)raptard spammers spamming Unleashing Vengeance's twitter page in 2014. Back then I didn't know it was a rap site until I tried it out... Had no clue they thought it was rap then... Now I am very wise about this crap but then I wasn't... Unleashing vengeance was very metal, everyone could tell that by looking at the site, BUT these stupid idiots and the stupid followers on soundcloud who ALL ASSUMED it was (c)rap music (I get this fucking problem all the time - why can't these illiterate idiots read the twitter about section or the soundcloud profile?)... SO Indienation KEPT on spamming me and would not stop, PERIOD... I tried there site. IT SUCKED.

Number 1, It demaned PAYMENT to even post a blog post, or music. And it even broke on me. The stupid intro site, which showed a fucking gangsta rapper craptard, and Allowed me to do stuff, but later on the intro site broke and it would not work.. After that they kept on spamming me with the hashtags #init2gether and some other crap. I had to block about 5-10 SPAM accounts doing this... Stupid idiots and a stupid site... Has to tbe the worst fucking craptard site ever, this one makes soundcloud look decent...

In short never use these sites for posting metal. Just go to Forget these sites. They are all a ripoff...