Ok People.... Decided to write one more cd for my solo project Homicidal Hammerfist... You guys remember Homicidal Hammerfist right? It used to be a Blackened Power Metal band that did only instrumentals... Well we broke up last year and I reformed it as a solo project earlier this year as a black metal solo artist. It sounded a lot different after this reformation, and I have never really liked this sound, it wasn't really blackened power metal. So I decided to rewrite it and try to make it sound a lot like the older stuff...
"Breeding the Necrophobic Dirge" is the new cd that I made today. I woke up today and around 7 am started recording guitars. I finished around noon. I did 5 tracks worth, on both rhythm and lead. I added solos around 1 PM. I finally did keyboards around 2:30 PM and added keyboards around 4 PM. I got the sound perfect for this one. One thing that has kind of bothered me about older Homicidal Hammerfist is that it isn't well produced at all. I fixed that on this one...
The drums are clear and so are the guitars. I used the same production for leads and other guitars on this cd as I used on the last Rancid Abomination, AKA the echoey sound... I think it fits well.. Besides that nothing was really added to the classic homicidal hammerfist sound. I like that. It sounds just like a HH cd should sound! The sound is pure blackened power metal, with good elements of symphonic black metal and raw thrashy power metal like Persuader added in.
Like before the songs on this cd were generated with a random song title generator. I was doing instrumentals like normal for this project (HH has never had vocals, ever, it's always done instrumentals only), and I wrote some disgusting song titles like the following:
Molested Angelic Cacophony
Extremely Swollen Whorebeast
Upchucked Satanic Brainstem
Soulless Fetal Extermination
Fist-Stretched Intestinal Damnation
They are so disgusting that 3/5 tracks needed to be censored on noisetrade!
So yeah these are bad.....
So here is the good news people...
The album sounds great, has no real issues and the guitar sound is amazing at times. Great solos and leads.. Good rythm guitars.. Great mood and atmosphere... Really evil sounding on 3/5 tracks, the other 2 are a little lighter...
Here's the bad news..
After mixing track 5 the mixing software I use broke badly and I cannot use it ever again... It sucks... That means this is the last cd I will ever write, ever... Period... I cannot do any more.. It pisses me off, but at the same time I was planning this to be my last anyway.. I am going down that route of "retirement" from writing music now... I won't be coming back after this, it's over...
I regret this but I cannot continue. Before I didn't want to continue, now I simply cannot do it due to stupid technical reasons that piss me off.. I was planning another cd to be my final done this year and it was going to be Lovecraftian horror themed Black Metal. I really wanted to do that but now I cannot do that one at all and that upsets me a lot.. I don't know what to do but to quit now... It's over..
I've written music since 2000 people. 2000-2017, I have done songs all of those years... I am now quitting forever and I don't know what else to say....
I will still keep marketing my bands music online and do updates regularly. But I cannot do new cd's unless they are compilations or greatist hits. That sucks.. It bugs me greatly... This will not be the last blog post here but it will be the last new cd update type post...
No more cd's coming from me. I simply cannot do them anymore....