Friday, April 7, 2017

All of my bands Ditch Soundcloud and are now on #Jamendo

Well due to an utter unpleasant experience on Soundcloud with Atom Collector Records, my bands are now not on soundcloud anymore. I will write about this unpleasantry later on tonight. But for now here are some updates for my bands....

I spent several hours today and yesterday in a frantic rush trying to find the perfect host for my bands now that soundcloud was crapping out on me. I tried A) Myspace music. Could upload tracks there but could not get them to play at all. So I ditched that. I then looked for bandcamp and soundclound alternatives. Tried a bunch. They all fucked up bad. A few were mindless Soundcloud ripoffs with tons of rap/pop/dance/dubstep fags on them. No good for that. I didn't want THAT kind of fanbase for extreme metal, which is 1000000000 times better than that shit anyway! So I decided to rely on two sites that unleashing vengeance did fairly well on when I was trying sites for it in 2014. They were A), and B)  I uploaded all 5 bands to and made a station there. Got some views but no one put my bands on their stations, so it was a complete failure. But fear not, because the next site I tried, worked like a Charm.

I spent most of last night and this morning uploading songs to It was quite annoying how un-user friendly the upload process was, I had to A) Upload .WAV files! (NOT mp3), B) Resize the band's cover image from 512X512 to 600X600 and C) Fill in tons of useless crap like what instruments are in each song!, license info and more. But in the end it payed off.

And did it!

The inconvenience of uploading means you probably will only see 1 track per week per band done now... But the results, boy do they speak for themselves. On soundcloud Rise of the Serpent got 5 plays. Here it got 25! On soundcloud the Rancid Abomination Song Harbinger of fate got 5 plays. On Jamendo it got 46 plays in one day! It didn't even get plays for weeks on soundcloud!  Jamendo is literally shitting all over soundcloud. It's so much better. After YEARS of work I finally found a host that is worth uploading to! No more spam on my mentions saying I should buy free followers, no more rap and dance fans liking my shit, no more "21" (soundcloud rap guide spamming tool/troll) trolling me by spamming likes on 1 song forever, none of that shit. Just tons of plays and no Bullshit!

Below are the band profiles for all 5 of my bands. Dismembered September and Homicidal Hammerfist are the currently active ones. The other 3 are broken up currently but may come back in the future. Here are the total plays per band in less than a day here..

Rancid Abomination:
Dismembered September:
Homicidal Hammerfist:
Caustic Euphony:
Unleashing Vengeance:

And here are links to  the profile, with links on each profile to our facebook and twitter pages, plus a bio for each band that goes into detail on their style!

Rancid Abomination:
Dismembered September:
Unleashing Vengeance:
Homicidal Hammerfist:
Caustic Euphony: