Unscrupulous Vomit news here people. I ended up recording a new cd starting yesterday morning... This new one would end up being a "Shadow over Innsmouth" Concept album, based on that story by HP Lovecraft. I think the music I wrote for it was amazing. I wasn't in the best of moods when writing this (and being in the best of moods helps), but I still pulled it off, and wrote some scary sounding black metal.
The new cd, Entitled "Innsmouth" is very similar to the last Unscrupulous Vomit cd... This one however has some slight differences. Number 1, it's even more evil sounding than the first Unscrupulous Vomit Cd.... That's amazing, in itself. A TON of delayed harmonies and creepy keyboard sections being thrown in... The music itself under the keyboards (the guitars and stuff) are a bit heavier this time... More thrashy styled riffs... Still have tons of black metal chords but the usage of them has changed, to be more like Later Rancid Abomination and less like the first UV cd...
There is a bit more experimentation on this new cd as well.. The drums are a little bit more varied, and one song has some very weird riffs... There is also a lot more of an epic vibe going on, especially in the last 2 songs. The vocal performance I did on this cd, was, frankly amazing... I did it last night around 12:30 AM.... I did a very sick sounding growl last night, and it shows... One track I kind of messed up the verses (track 2) but besides that everything else came out fine.
The cd really is dark and evil in every way. Only track 2 is a little bit happier sounding. All the others sound evil as hell. That mood is good. It needs to be sounding like that to really capture the mood of "The Shadow over Innsmouth". The cd was released online last night here is a copy of it for people to download...
This very well may be the last Unscrupulous Vomit CD people. I don't know If I can do another. I will try to do one in late December 2017, around Dec 27 or 28. But I may not be able to do that, so, this could be the last cd I ever do... I don't plan to do more for a while at least. I will let you know if I can do more later on in a blog post done around DEC 20 or so.