In July 2016, Me and 2 friends formed Homicidal Hammerfist, a short lived sideproject designed to create Instrumental Only Metal. We chose Blackened Power Metal as our style, fusing extreme power metal like Manticora and Persuader with Symphonic Black Metal and Rancid Abomination Styled Black Metal as well.. We did amazingly well, getting Tons of plays on soundcloud and lots of downloads on noisetrade. How well we did was a shock. (I wasn't expecting this to do as well as it did). We unfortunately canned the project in August and me and our Rhythm Guitarist Formed a band Called Dismembered September 2 months later that didn't do nearly as well..
Fast Foward 2 months.... Rancid Abomination has been reformed. Dismembered September broke up (but will be back soon... Hint Hint), and there was no sign of Homicidal Hammerfist. I wanted to bring HH back but I didn't have time. But I committed to a new Cd for winter 2017. And I recorded that cd last month...
Enter "Abhorring the Blackness", a complete solo effort by me. I changed quite a few things about the band on this release. Number 1, I ditched the old style of crunch rhythm guitars and guitar production completely. In older stuff, Leads were quieter and more atmospheric than the Rhythms. In this the opposite is true. The rhythms are quiet and very distorted in a very minimalistic way, kind of like Summoning's Guitars... This allowed all the other instruments to really stand out, such as the keyboards and lead guitars, which were no longer atmospheric but very epic sounding now...
The result was a completely different type of cd, a metamorphisis by the band. It sounds nothing like older stuff, but still sounds cool. It has a grand epic evil style and it brings in more Rancid Abomination styled melodies and drum beats into the fold to add more of a black metal style. On top of that the Rhythm guitars play actual black metal chords now and they didn't do that before. In fact no chords are non-black metal ones now.
The new cd can be listened to here...
You can also listen to the songs on the soundcloud site for us here:
And follow us on twitter here if you are interested:
Also We post updates to this youtube channel and there are videos for songs for all of my bands there:
Stay Tuned for Updates for Homicidal Hammerfist here...