Today I worked on a new unleashing vengeance cd I wrote with the other UV guys 3 days ago.... This one is a completely different animal then the last cd we wrote together which was Slaughter the Innocent. This one is a Blackened Thrash CD....
Entitled Dawn of Stupidity it focuses on controversial and personal lyrics that fall into similar categories... It's not a concept album but the some of the songs have similar concepts... Track 1 is an intro followed by track 2 which is a thrashy opener about the censorship of comic books in the 1940's by Fredric Wertham and the comic code. Track 3 comes up next and is much more black metal oriented. It talks about the BS claim that all metal bands are racist or sexist, especially black metal ones. Track 4 hits you like a rock with thrashy as hell riffs. It's about a personal incident with someone who pretended to be a friend, yet harassed when I said I wasn't friendly with all my nephews and demanded I talk a job he offered. What an ass!
Track 5 is much more black metal oriented, at least in it's first half. The second half is a lot more thrashy. The whole song is around 9 minutes long and it's the longest song on the album. Lyrically it's about trolling by gaming communities, something I've been a victim of. Track 6 is the first about a concept 3 songs on the album deal with, the moral panic surrounding video game violence after the Parkland School Shooting. Track 6 itself is about Matt bevin blaming video games for the shooting. Track 7 is an instrumental and is about how russian bots fueled the moral panic or even created it. Track 8 is about how the President wants to lock up all Autistic people in mental institutions. It's very personal. The final track is about the game duke nukem 3d.
I think the cd came out good.. It has echoey vocals which are a bit quiet and hard to hear at times. One track has some minor clipping issues.. The rest are fine... I had to remix it to fix it and unfortunately the songs on jamendo from the cd are the unfixed versions for now... Doesn't really matter though.... Here is a link to the cd...