Sunday, December 31, 2017

Unleashing Vengeance releases a new cd "The Wrath of Tah-um" which is it's first Oriental metal cd....

Unleashing Vengeance just did another CD! This is the last cd that UV will do for a while people...

Entitled "The Wrath of Tah-um", this cd is a Serious Sam video game themed concept album. It is also partially an Oriental metal cd.  Certain songs are about parts of the games that take place in Egypt or Persia, and those songs are all Oriental metal songs, with heavy Middle Eastern influences thrown in.  The others are about other parts of the world Sam goes to and are just normal thrash songs...

The cd is based on the Serious Sam games, lyrically. It opens up with an intro that quotes a line from the long removed full Serious Sam story, a song mentioning the Hum-Tah, the race of aliens Mental (the game's villain) belongs to.  Then comes a long epic blackened thrash song about Mental wiping out all life on Sirius.  The song after that is a very short thrashy song about Sam "Serious" stone's first journey to Sirius which leads to Mental being awakened again and this time Mental attacks earth's people...

Tracks 4-6 are completely different than tracks 1-3. Track 4 is a slow intro to track 5, done in a very middle eastern style. It leads into  track 5, which is about Sam Going back in time to Ancient Egypt to try to stop Mental. Track 5 is a slow oriental metal song with an epic riff and fast break. Track 6 is another instrumental done in the same style as track 4 but is much much longer. It is about Sam's fight with Ugh-Zan III at the end of Serious Sam : First Encounter.

The rest of the songs are about Serious Sam : Second Encounter, starting with track 7, which is about Sam's boss fight with the Mayan Wind God Kulkulkan 1/3 of the way through Second Encounter.  As such it lacks Oriental Elements and is much more of a technical thrash song.

Tracks 8 and 9 are again oriental metal songs and they are about Sam's travels through Persia in Second Encounter. The first one is very short and is about the beginning of the Ziggourat level. The song itself is the most Oriental song on the whole album though.  The next song is about Sam's fight through the courtyards around the Tower of Babel.  The song itself is quite oriental sounding, especially during the slower break, but the beginning is very Black Metal like. The final track on the album is about the fights Sam has in Ancient Poland and therefore is not Oriental sounding at all.

I think the cd came out fine. Although vocally, it's slightly disappointing. Tracks 2,5,7 and 8 are fine. The other tracks have issues..  Minor ones though this time. Production is ok but could be better. Drums are kind of bad sounding. The guitars and Middle Eastern Instruments (Sitar, Gongs, etc) sound fine.

As for the Oriental sections, they could be much better, But I am not great at writing Oriental styled metal (yet). I managed to capture the right atmosphere, but the melodies are quite simple at the same time, sounding a lot like Meditative music than actual Middle Eastern Folk Music..  Some melodies don't have that vibe that is needed and sound slightly out of place. Others are way to simple.. Don't think I can do the complicated ones yet, I cannot wrap my mind around their structure by listening to them. So I am sticking to ones I know I can do. Keep in mind that most of UV's music has been thrash up to this point so this change to oriental metal may not have been the best idea. Still sounds good though to me...

Overall I like the cd, and it captures the sound needed to express the serious sam universe well..

Download link is below:


Saturday, December 23, 2017

New Unleashing Vengeance cd is released as a solo effort, and pushes the band into Black Metal Territory

Unleashing Vengeance news here people. Unleashing vengeance went through a big breakup but don't worry, UV is NOT dead...   All band members but me (Zakk Asshole) Left  the band... That left me to shore up things and make Unleashing Vengeance a solo project...

So I decided to write the first Solo Project Unleashing Vengeance album last night... I composed it with a certain goal in mind... See I had seen some cool videos showing off sounds the planets in our solar system make... I decided to use these sounds (which were not copyrighted) as a base to write new music... I thought "lets do a concept album about the solar system" and mix in the sounds from the planets into the songs about the planets... I wrote 10 songs:

Track 1: Sol : The Lifegiver (About the Sun)
Track 2: Mercury : The Deadly World
Track 3: Venus : The Melter of Lead
Track 4: Earth : The Origins of Man
Track 5: Mars : The Cold Desert
Track 6: Mighty Jupiter
Track 7: Saturn : The Ringed Giant
Track 8: Uranus : The Mysterious World
Track 9: Neptune : The Frigid Stormy World
Track 10: Pluto : The Lost One

Each song was composed with a very eerie creepy vibe, using folk melodies that were quite oriental sounding at times, but played on high reverberated lead guitars using tremelo picking.  The Rhythm Guitars were done by Kirk but He is no longer a member any more.  He will join me again to help do rhythm guitars on the next UV as well...

Overall the album came out really good.. Each song is different..

Track 1 is a folk metal instrumental with mostly acoustic guitars done in an American folk style.
Track 2 is a melodic thrash song with a heavy melodeth style.
Track 3 is similar but slower and is much more evil sounding. Some folk melodies are added in later
but they sound creepy.
Track 4 is another American Folk Music Instrumental
Track 5 is a fast thrashy Oriental Metal Song
Track 6 is an epic 11 minute long Atmospheric Black Metal Song with Orchestral Elements
Track 7 is a fast technical thrash song
Track 8 is a very progressive melodeth/thrash song with a folk melody in it too.
Track 9 is a blackened thrash song which is sort of sinister sounding
Track 10 is a brutal blackened thrash song to end the cd.

I think the cd came out great.. It sounds a lot different, because it uses black metal vocals but besides that it's pretty cool... Due to Time Contains I had no choice but to do BM vocals for this, which I have gotten good at lately. Good Vocal Performance.... I like the music a lot for this cd, which you can hear here... Get the cd here...

Monday, December 18, 2017

New Unscrupulous Vomit's sound gets completely overhauled to be Atmospheric Oriental Sognametal! UV now sounds like Summoning Meets Windir Meets Melechesh!

So I've been a huge fan of the following Black Metal bands for a few years now...

Windir (Sognametal band - Blends Norwegian folk melodies with black metal)
Summoning (Atmospheric Black Metal Band - has louder keyboards than guitars and blends in
mideival music)
Melechesh (Oriental Black Metal Band - Crossbreeds Black Metal with Middle Eastern Music)

I've always wondered what It sounded like if you crossbreed the three into one sound. If you mixed the three, what would it sound like? I always wondered that... So I put myself up to the challenge of mixing Oriental Black Metal and Atmospheric Black Metal.

I always wrote Oriental Melodies well. Don't ask why. I am not perfect at it and I am quite inexperienced at doing it at a Melechesh Level but melodies Unleashing Vengeance had had a very strong oriental element to them at times so, I wondered if I could do it again...

Crossbreeding in Summoning styled melodies and instrumentation and production with oriental Black Metal is one hell of a challenge. The two just don't mix well.. Getting them to mix was hard. I got insanely lucky. Since I have actually wrote Atmospheric Black Metal before, I thought mixing the two would be something I could do. Poof. 30 minutes later I had written 5 songs.

Songs 1 and 4 have no oriental elements and are normal Atmospheric Black Metal Songs.  However, tracks 2,3 and 5 are a completely different animal, being much more of a mix of Oriental Black metal with Atmospheric Black Metal, complete with Drum Beats, melodies (which are not the best oriental melodies done but they have that vibe) and also have Atmospheric sounds to  them such as the production atmospheric black metal needs (louder keyboards than guitars, echoey production on keyboards, etc) plus medieval elements (Trumpets and stuff)... It's a weird mix but it works...

But mixing the two wasn't enough. I thought later on once I  had perfected the tracks to see if I could add in Sognametal elements into it. I've tried to mix 2 out of 3 of these styles  before, but 3 into one sound? I've never done that at all, and I wondered if I could crossbreed Sognametal melodies and Oriental Melodies to make some weird hybrid. I also thought, sognametal and Atmospheric sound great  together, why not mix all 3! SO I worked on re-writing the songs in 2 phases:

Phase 1:

I added in sognametal style melodies that were based off of Windir's melodies but altered heavily, such as downtuned, timing changes, etc... I played them with these changes on several instruments including keyboards and guitars for tracks 1 and 4. For tracks 2 and 3 I decided I needed to try to mix them with Oriental Melodies. That mix is.... Weird Sounding! I did it well though...

Phase 2:

I decided the sound of the music wasn't Oriental Enough. So I added in Sitar for tracks 2,3 and 5 plus tribal drumming (like on certain Melechesh Songs) for track 5. Now It sounds really odd, but neat...

Can you say Atmospheric Oriental Sognametal? I Can!

In all seriousness, I think I may have made the absolute craziest, weirdest, yet best sounding black metal album I have ever done. It sounds like NOTHING out  there, in any way, yet sounds cool. I decided that this would be the  next Unscrupulous vomit cd (which was going to be about the Dunwich Horror by HP Lovecraft) and the last with  this style. That's right, I don't think I can crossbreed these things this well a second or third time. They just don't work well together normally and the mix is so volatile that it doesn't really flow well, so I don't think I'll be doing this band any further... Fans of Unscrupulous Vomit  will be like "WTF! Melechesh Influences in this! WTH!" but whatever. It had to be done once...

Update : Here we go, the album has been recorded since this post was first made, and the vocals came out great! I did choirs for this cd and they are epic, but don't expect them to sound as good as Summoning's Choirs... I used a multivoice chorus to add multiple voices to the sound when I only sang 1 in the first place.... It's kind of crappy sounding because that effect adds a LOT of noise into the sound and I had to lowe the volume a lot to compensate for that... Anyway, here is a link to the new cd on noisetrade!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Unscrupulous Vomit records a second cd "Innsmouth!"

Unscrupulous Vomit news here people. I ended up recording a new cd starting yesterday morning... This new one would end up being a "Shadow over Innsmouth" Concept album, based on that story by HP Lovecraft.   I think the music I wrote for it was amazing. I wasn't in the best of moods when writing this (and being in the best of moods helps), but I still pulled it off, and wrote some scary sounding black metal.

The new cd, Entitled "Innsmouth" is very similar to the last Unscrupulous Vomit cd... This one however has some slight differences. Number 1, it's even more evil sounding than the first Unscrupulous Vomit Cd.... That's amazing, in itself. A TON of delayed harmonies and creepy keyboard sections being thrown in...  The music itself under the keyboards (the guitars and stuff) are a bit heavier this time... More thrashy styled riffs... Still have tons of black metal chords but the usage of them has changed, to be more like Later Rancid Abomination and less like the first UV cd...

There is a bit more experimentation on this new cd as well..  The drums are a little bit more varied, and one song has some very weird riffs... There is also a lot more of an epic vibe going on, especially in the last 2 songs. The vocal performance I did on this cd, was, frankly amazing...  I did it last night around 12:30 AM....  I did a very sick sounding growl last night, and it shows... One track I kind of messed up the verses (track 2) but besides that everything else came out fine.

The cd really is dark and evil in every way. Only track 2 is a little bit happier sounding. All the others sound evil as hell. That mood is good. It needs to be sounding like that to really capture the mood of "The Shadow over Innsmouth".  The cd was released online last night here is a copy of it for people to download...

This very well may be the last Unscrupulous Vomit CD people. I don't know If I can do another. I will try to do one in late December 2017, around Dec 27 or 28. But I may not be able to do that, so, this could be the last cd I ever do... I don't plan to do more for a while at least. I will let you know if I can do more later on in a blog post done around DEC 20 or so.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Fucking stupid site now calling Rancid Abomination Jpop... Rancid Abomination =/= JPOP!

While searching for Rancid Abomination's name on Google, I came across this stupid search result:

It pisses me off, because Rancid Abomination is anything but Jpop, it's fucking thrashy black metal with dark melodies over it... Some stupid idiot is trying to say my bands are J-pop and keeps adding them to this stupid site.  First Unleashing Vengeance (which is Thrash/Black Metal with some Oriental elements) was added to this site, then Rancid Abomination (which is thrashy melodic black metal) was added too which is fucking retarded.

This is a slap in the face. Anyone trying to call my bands Jpop, has not actually listened to them have they? If they did, they would realize their mistake... It's an insult. They are comparing my music to Babymetal, which is retarded... Below I will rip that accusation to shreds..

Crappy metal with shitty vocals and POP MUSIC ELEMENTS THROWN IN! AKA Poppy keyboards up the wazoo...

Does this stuff have poppy keyboards in it? NO!, does it have any elements of POP MUSIC?


                                                          Rancid Abomination song:

Unleashing Vengeance Song:

It's retarded... It's fucking retarded. I have a few suspects for this that come to mind, I think some stupid 4chan/gaming community trolls are responsible for this but don't know for sure. All I know is that I didn't see Rancid Abomination on till after the trolls from 4chan disliked Rancid Abomination's music on youtube.... Don't know if it's them but it could be. It's fucking stupid if this is the case, but I have no real knowledge to prove this, I don't know how works, do they chose what bands are jpop, or do they allow users to add bands, if the later is the case, then some stupid troll from 4chan may have been doing this...

I will update you with more info. Either way, Rancid Abomination (which is now disbanded thanks to the final project by me : Unscrupulous vomit), is not getting any help thanks to stupidity like this. In no way shape or form does Rancid Abomination sound like fucking Babymetal! Nor does unleashing vengeance, so why do stupid websites like keep adding my bands to them without listening to a full album to see that neither are shitty jpop bands?

Rancid Abomination video gets dislike-trolled by asswipes from a gaming community, possibly..

Rancid Abomination (My old black metal band I disbanded earlier this year) went through some stupidity on youtube and 4chan recently.  I decided to check my youtube channel that I host it's music (and all my other bands music) on last night, for stupid trolls disliking videos. As of late there has been trolls all over my youtube channels, all disliking them like crazy.  Well it seems an old group of trolls who cannot shut the fuck up have come back to the channel...

A long time ago I did a very controversial video on another channel talking about me getting harassed by people in a gaming community. It got disliked, heavily, by complete trolls, after someone linked to it on 4chan.  It pissed me off. Two dislikes and one was from USA, one was from England.  I never figured out who did these dislikes, and shut down the channel and relocated (most of) the content of this channel to a new one.... (Minus the video in question).

Later on I find links on my old gaming channel (which isn't around anymore due to trolls disliking it), linking of videos on  a gaming site related to the video above.  And all of the sudden, tons of people start disliking my content there, including unleashing vengeance music I posted there.  The Person who had disliked multiple unleashing vengeance videos, was from england.  I soon shut down this channel and moved all my music related stuff to the new channel which is currently still being updated...

So throughout 2 years or so, this stupid english troll has not come back to the new channel I had hosted my music on.... Until now. I looked at a video and somehow it had gotten way more views than it should in 1 month, and 2 dislikes.  So I check the traffic sources and lo and behold, is one of them... I verify that some idiot there linked to the video and they did, using analytics.  I also verified that the video in question got dislikes from USA and England, AGAIN!

Whoever these trolls are they piss me off.. So I did some digging. Unfortunately, the person who trashed Unleashing Vengeance's music on my old gaming channel, I could not find info on him. The traffic source from england, youtube refused to give me where this person was from.  They did however, give me the states that the US dislike came from... And here is that info:

So some stupid people from Florida/or/Alabama are behind this trolling attempt. Fuck them!

They piss me off so much it's not funny. I don't have a clue who these idiots are, but they are going down. I am trying to get as much info on these trolls as possible.. Youtube is useless in this. They give you ABSOLUTELY ZERO info on dislikers minus their country. You can find a state through triangulating traffic sources that linked through a video if you get lucky. Youtube needs to give out more info such as their IP address, their youtube accounts and things like that, for me to be satisfied...

The video was for a song written on a concept album about a specific video games story. That same game happened to be the one that had a site that linked to my old gaming channel. How they found my new channel is beyond me. There is no reference to the game at all on this channel minus in the content of one video which wasn't linked anywhere. In an emergency attempt to get them to leave my channel alone, I renamed the name of it. I also deleted the video in question.  I had to do something to protect the channel. However, if it doesn't work and the channel gets heavily disliked by idiots like this and there is a link to 4chan again I may have to take the channel down. That would suck...  But these trolls can't be allowed to have free reign over an independent music channel.

Someone in alabama/Florida is a stupid idiot and youtube won't help me expose them, it pisses me off...  The video that got disliked, it wasn't like it was a bad video. The song was kind of OK, but showed off footage of me playing a video game it's based off of, and during that footage I died a couple of times.. I think that's what lead to the dislikes, cementing the fact that the community surrounding this game is to blame, thanks to their 4chan presence.  FUCK THEM!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Behold my first attempt at "Lovecraftian Black Metal!", Unscrupulous Vomit!

Well I have good and bad news people.. First the bad news.... Rancid Abomination is dead. It won't come back ever... I didn't feel like continuing with it. It's a long story. That is for some other time, maybe in another blog post. But what I did do is fix my software that broke while recording the new Homicidal Hammerfist. And with that I could actually do my most anticipated project of the whole year.... Behold "Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn"!!!!!!

"Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn" is the debut album for my NEW Black Metal Project entitled "Unscrupulous Vomit"....  The album title comes from the story "The Call of Cthulhu" and is a phrase the cultists of Cthulhu say in the story itself. Rough  translation of it to english is "In his house at R'yleh, Dead Cthulhu lies dreaming"... As you can see Unscrupulous vomit is Cthulhu Mythos inspired.. In fact it's the first band to ever do what I call "Atmospheric Lovecraftian Black Metal"...

I recorded the first cd for this project in a 2 night span, last night and the night before. I started on the night before, recording an intro and an outro, which are both terrifying in nature... It involves me growling the title of the album (that crazy phrase "Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn") in an evil voice over and over again... It gets more chorused as I go and eventually I recorded a scream that I lowered in pitch to emulate the voice of Cthulhu Himself, at the end of the intro. I took the intro and reversed it and made it an outro for the end of the cd, track 8. That also turned out toe be scary as hell...

Last night I recorded the vocals for the album for the 5 songs that have vocals. They all have a really scary, evil quality to them. The sound is atmospheric black metal, with quiet rhythm guitars mixed low in the mix, with loud reverberated lead guitars and keyboards mixed high in the mix. It sounds epic and scary. Add evil sounding melodies all over the place and amazing keyboard work and you have what I think is the scariest black metal album.... EVER!

The album came out amazing, I've listened to it a lot since I recorded it. I cannot believe just how scary it sounds. It's quite eerie sounding.  I think it's the best black metal album I've ever done... Check it out below:

Download Link:

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Latest Homicidal Hammerfist has been Recorded, and it is my last cd I will ever do.... EVER.

Ok People.... Decided to write one more cd for my solo project Homicidal Hammerfist... You guys remember Homicidal Hammerfist right? It used to be a Blackened Power Metal band that did only instrumentals... Well we broke up last year and I reformed it as a solo project earlier this year as a black metal solo artist.  It sounded a lot different after this reformation, and I have never really liked this sound, it wasn't really blackened power metal. So I decided to rewrite it and try to make it sound a lot like the older stuff...

"Breeding the Necrophobic Dirge" is the new cd that I made today.  I woke up today and around 7 am started recording guitars. I finished around noon. I did 5 tracks worth, on both rhythm and lead. I added solos around 1 PM.  I finally did keyboards around 2:30 PM and added keyboards around 4 PM.  I got the sound perfect for this one. One thing that has kind of bothered me about older Homicidal Hammerfist is that it isn't well produced at all. I fixed that on this one...

The drums are clear and so are the guitars.  I used the same production for leads and other guitars on this cd as I used on the last Rancid Abomination, AKA the echoey sound... I think it fits well.. Besides that nothing was really added to the classic homicidal hammerfist sound. I like that. It sounds just like a HH cd should sound! The sound is pure blackened power metal, with good elements of symphonic black metal and raw thrashy power metal like Persuader added in.

Like before the songs on this cd were generated with a random song title generator. I was doing instrumentals like normal for this project (HH has never had vocals, ever, it's always done instrumentals only), and I wrote some disgusting song titles like the following:

Molested Angelic Cacophony
Extremely Swollen Whorebeast
Upchucked Satanic Brainstem
Soulless Fetal Extermination
Fist-Stretched Intestinal Damnation

They are so disgusting that 3/5 tracks needed to be censored on noisetrade!

So yeah these are bad.....

So here is the good news people...

The album sounds great, has no real issues and the guitar sound is amazing at times. Great solos and leads.. Good rythm guitars..  Great mood and atmosphere... Really evil sounding on 3/5 tracks, the other 2 are a little lighter...

Here's the bad news..

After mixing track 5 the mixing software I use broke badly and I cannot use it ever again... It sucks... That means this is the last cd I will ever write, ever... Period... I cannot do any more.. It pisses me off, but at  the same time I was planning this to be my last anyway.. I am going down that route of "retirement" from writing music now... I won't be coming back after this, it's over...

I regret  this but I cannot continue. Before I didn't want to continue, now I simply cannot do it due to stupid  technical reasons that piss me off.. I was planning another cd to be my final done this year and it was going to be Lovecraftian horror themed Black Metal. I really wanted to do that but now I cannot do that one at all and that upsets me a lot.. I don't know what to do but to quit now... It's over..

I've written music since 2000 people. 2000-2017, I have done songs all of those years... I am now quitting forever and I don't know what else to say....

I will still keep marketing my bands music online and do updates regularly. But I cannot do new cd's unless they are compilations or greatist hits. That sucks.. It bugs me greatly... This will not be the last blog post here but it will be the last new cd update type post...

No more cd's coming from me. I simply cannot do them anymore....


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Rancid Abomination releases it's final CD "The Wrath of Hell" which is a throwback to oldschool Rancid Abomination stuff that was Blackened Thrash!

Good news people... I just finished another new Rancid Abomination CD.... This one is entitled "The Wrath of Hell" and it is a concept album based on the story of the Legendary FPS game Doom.  It is also a lot lot different than our last 2 cd's "Staring into the Eyes of Madness" and "Metaphysical torment", being a much more raw, thrashy cd with far far less Windir Influences, Summoning Influences and other similar influences....

I originally wrote all the music for the cd last night... I didn't want this one to sound like the last 2. I listened to them and they don't really sound like Rancid Abomination Cd's. They have the melodies needed but lack the thrashy riffs, intense drumming and sick lyrics.  The drumming is too experimental on them and the thrashy rhythm guitars are replaced by black metal chords... I didn't like that... Rancid Abomination was supposed to be different than most black metal bands, not taking influences from them, so In a fit of disappointment I wrote the music for the new cd last night..

I decided to go down an oldschool route taking influences from old 2004-2005 Rancid Abomination only, like stuff I no longer have thanks to hard drive failures, like the cd's "Abhorrance and disgust", "CD 5" and others... I wrote very thrashy black metal with power metal touches and decided to change the production of the cd to be very close to what stuff in 2004 sounded like, using reverb on guitars and no amp simulator this time to make it sound more like a black metal cd.  The song you see below is an example of what the new cd sound like....

I ended up writing 6 songs, and 1 was a massive instrumental that came out ok... All the others were really good though. The title track was actually the instrumental... The first song sounds really haunting and evil... Track 2 is heavy as hell... Track 3 is more uplifting... Track 4 is a massive symphonic black/thrash song, the next song is really fast and heavy and has cool melodies, and the final song has an exotic sound to it that is slower and yet  very mystical sounding...

Lyrically track 1 is about the demons of hell finding out the anomalies on Phobos and Deimos (in the doom story) are being used by humans to teleport from one moon to the other. They then plot to start a demon invasion.... Track 2 is about how the demon leader (a cyberdemon) kills and posesses humans who went through the anomalies, turning them into former humans that attack mars in track 3, which is about the demonic invasion of phobos and the marines call to send flynn taggart to phobos.. Track 4 is the epic title track... Track 5 is about Flynn taggarts journey through Phobos and Deimos... It references phobos anomaly, Deimos, The Cyberdemon in Tower of Babel and more. Track 6 is about Flynn taggart's journey through hell and the showdown with the Spidermastermind boss...

The style of the new cd is something I really dig, it sounds a lot like oldschool RA is supposed to sound like... In fact it is so good that I think it is equally good as Abhorrance and disgust... That's amazing...

That's the good news, all of what I just said in this article up to this point..

Here's the bad news... This is Definitely the last Rancid Abomination CD. I simply cannot do any more... I don't have time... It sucks... But at least the last cd was amazing, right?

Official music video for track 1:

Link to download new album:

Monday, July 17, 2017

New Unleashing Vengeance CD is our First Blackened Thrash cd in over 4 years!

Over the last few days, we've been working on a new cd people.... Entitled "Fading Into Obscurity" it is planned to be our last...  I know that is not good news... But it had to be said...

On to the new cd...

Composed on a 5 day period before sunday, July 16 2017,  the new music is quite heavy and a lot more thrashy than the previous cd, which was a thrash/folk metal mix... This cd is a completely different animal... Instead of being a thrash/folk metal mix, this cd is mostly a blackened thrash cd... Minus a few tracks, the new cd doesn't have much folk elements thrown in... It's also a lot more technical and has longer song lengths than the previous cd.... The title track is 10 minutes long.. It also has a slight Meshuggah Influence brought in in the heavier songs, with riffs that have a syncopated, yet galloped structure that plays at a different time signature than 4/4, with bass drums that follow it perfectly and snares that do not... These riffs and drum beats were added in mostly because I've been listening to a lot of Meshuggah a lot lately and like their music..

Due to that change, the album is a lot heavier than the older ones... And due to the Blackened  thrash being added in it's even more heavy than before... Folk elements are only found in 5 tracks out of 8 this time around, and in most of those they are used rarely... When they are used, it's usually small elements of non-european folk being thrown in but sometimes american folk melodies are also used.. But most of the songs don't have a lot of folk melodies this time.. They are used rarer on this cd than any we've done since 2010!

The cd has a theme which is present in some of the songs... The predominant theme is scary things in fiction....  Tracks 1,2,4, and 7 deal with such things such as Cthulhu (track 1), The Aliens from the ALIEN films (Track 2), The Video Game F.E.A.R. (track 4) and the Reapers  from the Mass effect game series (track 7). The other two tracks with vocals are personal, lyric wise... The other 2 tracks are instrumentals....

I really like this cd... I can't stop listening to it... It's available to download on noisetrade here....

Unfortunately it's probably our last cd ever... I doubt you will see this Temporary Unleashing Vengeance reunion continue beyond August 2017.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Music upload sites to avoid like the plague

Ok.... Throughout Unleashing Vengeance's History, we have tried, Many, Many mp3 upload sites. 99% of them have failed us miserably. That's not a lie or an exaggeration. We tried lots and lots of sites and very few gave us satisfactory (1000+) plays. In fact only 3, THREE sites gave us satisfactory plays and in 2 out of these 3, the Plays eventually stopped happening...  The rest we got 10-15 plays MAX... It was horrible. Some gave us link spam, some gave spam on twitter accounts for bands, and worse.... Here is a list of the top offenders for horrible sites....


Signed up our music here a long time ago.... Got fed up with the site... Wasn't getting a lot of plays. Got our music added to a metal interet radio but only 1 song was added, nothing else... Not a horrible site, the rest on this list are either ok to bad to terrible so... Got my black metal bands signed up here and the songs got added to a station playing 90% dance pop and rap... WTF! DONT use this site, they don't know good music if it bites them in the ass. Dance pop and rap should not be mixed in with BLACK FUCKING METAL!


Signed up Unleashing Vengeance to here. It was a metal site... Songs got very few plays and the stupid idiot who runs the site DARED to post a forum topic about my band. No one replied. That's good and bad. Good because no one trashed it and couldn't. Bad because I never asked them to do this, PERIOD...


Signed up Unleashing Vengeance here...  Got almost NO plays... Person who reviewed it said it sounded like Metallica meets crappy dance music, which it wasn't... The song I used kind of sounded like folk metal though...


Signed up Unleashing Vengeance here.. Got almost no plays. AGAIN

6) myspace music

Signed up Unleashing Vengeance here when it was really young. Got a lot of plays but because autoplay was turned off later this didn't last...

5) bandcamp

Signed up Unleashing Vengeance here... Site didn't support mp3 files which is stupid. Got tons of "skips" here... Really dumb. The fanbase was so crappy that they couldn't stand metal... Site sucks, never go here...

4) soundcloud

Oh boy... The big one... Minus the last...  At first it was fine. Got 2000+ plays for unleashing vengeance... But later on BS happened. Signed all my bands up here because I thought it was good. But it had serious problems that I wouldn't see till after all of this...

Number 1, the spam level on this site is horrible. Everytime you post a track, you get spammers spamming "buy free followers" as their image...  So I blocked them. And got more... And blocked them... And got more... You also get ignorant idiots posting "rap guides" as spam to ANY ARTIST OF ANY GENRE... One of these guys is called 21... He keeps liking your song with multiple accounts if you post it and delete and repost it later because the production issues have been fixed (like I did a lot)...He won't stop till you delete the track. FUCK RAP! It's the worst kind of "music" ever, it's just a bunch of street thugs saying made up words over a fake drum beat or plagiarized music... Never ONCE did 21 or all the other idiot rap followers look to see that Unleashing vengeance was a FUCKING METAL BAND... I kept on getting tons of dance and rap followers and very few metalhead followers and eventually I tried "free" "promotion" which gave me more crappy rap followers only so I ditched the fucking site and went to Did I mention tons of people are using playcount inflators there, services that allow them to "fake" plays with soundcloud so they get millions of plays per hour and soundcloud does NOTHING about them?

3) Reverbnation

Went here a long time ago.. Did well there for a WHILE... But as the sound got worse produced due to a virus failure of my mixing PC for unleashing vengeance in 2009, my chart rating plummeted, from 35 to 200 in about a day. I tried to compensate by putting my players on my myspace page for the band but it barely worked because I turned on autoplay but they turned it off on any player including mine...

I came back later and had the SAME damn chart problem... It's like no one was willing to play my songs multiple times. 1-10 plays per song, 1-2 for the later songs. I had to post music daily to compensate for this and Later on I figured out people were using fake play services too.... Like these ones....

Metalheads were "Advertising" these as "promotion" on twitter... it pissed me off... Here is proof...

And metalbands were in fact using them... I got this image as proof..

How does one INDIE band from boston (which I have never heard of till 2014, and I know of a lot of metal bands from Boston), get 2274 video plays per day and only get ONE SONG PLAY? They only get 104 widget impressions....It's impossible for them to get that many plays per day on videos. Hell I got NONE per day... Period... They must have been using these playcount inflator bullshit programs..

2) tweetmysong

A long time ago I tried twitter and wanted to get unleashing vengeance on it when it was known as Psychotic Fury and was a 1 man band (back then).. So I tried Tweetmysong. I got a few plays.. Didn't know it was a (c)rap site... Hence all the "mixtapes" all over it... (only (c)rap sites have mixtape bs, only Rappers make mixtapes)... Within a week, all the songs were renamed with a stupid naming pattern and changed genre-wise to hip hop, even though they were FUCKING METAL! Apparently tweetmysong allows people to HACK into accounts while  they are still logged in... I left myself logged in one night and it happened.. No security. I thought it was the worst music uploading site ever due to this.... Until I found the next one...

1) Indienation

This pitifully bad service, pile of crap site, whatever you want to call it was advertised by (c)raptard spammers spamming Unleashing Vengeance's twitter page in 2014. Back then I didn't know it was a rap site until I tried it out... Had no clue they thought it was rap then... Now I am very wise about this crap but then I wasn't... Unleashing vengeance was very metal, everyone could tell that by looking at the site, BUT these stupid idiots and the stupid followers on soundcloud who ALL ASSUMED it was (c)rap music (I get this fucking problem all the time - why can't these illiterate idiots read the twitter about section or the soundcloud profile?)... SO Indienation KEPT on spamming me and would not stop, PERIOD... I tried there site. IT SUCKED.

Number 1, It demaned PAYMENT to even post a blog post, or music. And it even broke on me. The stupid intro site, which showed a fucking gangsta rapper craptard, and Allowed me to do stuff, but later on the intro site broke and it would not work.. After that they kept on spamming me with the hashtags #init2gether and some other crap. I had to block about 5-10 SPAM accounts doing this... Stupid idiots and a stupid site... Has to tbe the worst fucking craptard site ever, this one makes soundcloud look decent...

In short never use these sites for posting metal. Just go to Forget these sites. They are all a ripoff... 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Why Unleashing Vengeance is the Most Underrated Metal band Ever!

Throughout it's history, My Band Unleashing Vengeance has recorded some of the best metal you will hear... Loosely labeled a thrash metal band, Unleashing Vengeance is really a lot more than a mere thrash metal. Fusing in elements of Prog Metal, Melodeth and Metalcore, death metal and even some Folk Metal, Unleashing Vengeance is a very unique band...

The amount of nonsense being spread about  Unleashing Vengeance is appalling. The biggest nonsense claim is that it's shitcore, crappy computerized music... That's complete BS... Later on it started to kind of sound like that, but that's only because it used low OVERDRIVEN notes in it's melodeth riffs... And they KIND of sound like keyboards but they aren't... People are calling it industrial and complete crap and badly produced junk... It's stupid. I am here to disprove this BS in this really long article...

I formed unleashing Vengeance as psychotic fury in 2008. Back then it was just thrash metal, nothing special. It didn't have particularly good vocals, or interesting song writing... But it was decent. But by the end of the year it got liked more and got 1000 plays on myspace:

2008: Song - Thunderous Roar of the Thrashing

By the time it got to 2009 (it was a solo artist  then), the band shifted a little towards folk metal and prog metal. The vocals got way better. And the sound got way heavier... By this time however I simply could not keep up with the internet and the band failed miserably in plays thanks to myspace music's playcount kept on getting lower and lower... And in October 2009 my mixing PC got infected with bad malware and had to be reformatted. The production issues caused by me having to come bck after that and use different mixing software made the next 15-16 cd's I did sound terrible... and that wasn't good...

2009: Song - HellRoar

By 2010 Unleashing Vengeance would be not much better than 2009, internet wise. But the sound improved a lot. But the overall sound would take a BIG hit before that happened. Trying to fix the guitar sound issues caused by the reformat in 2009, I ended up messing the guitar up bad and no one liked it.... People called it "random noise" online and worse... It was not remotely popular... By this time we were on myspace music and Reverbnation and no one liked it at all..  But after fixing the guitar things did get a little better sounding at least, but no one was interested in the band at all...

The style changed too, being more melodic death metal oriented, and blackened thrash elements were being mixed in too, to compensate for the bad production issues the 2010 stuff had..  Vocals sounded bad but got better late this year...

2010: Song - Lawsuit Lividity

 By the time 2011 hit, Unleashing Vengeance became a full band... I added guitarist K.S. and drummer P.F. The sound got better mixed overall, and much more folk metal was being added in. By this time it was clearly not thrash anymore (although we went back to our roots and did a few thrash cd's now and then)...  Exotic styles of folk music from non-european countries were being added into the sound, Accidentally. I never intended to write this kind of folk metal, but I did... Slight amounts of metalcore stuff was being added in as well... By the end of the year, the sound started to take a sudden prog metal touch as well.... But still no one liked it...

Online people called it "indsutrial" and crap like that.. Some idiot Production Nazi Trashed the song absolute Disharmony... It was stupid. NO ONE liked it online, STILL!

2011: Song - Absolute Disharmony

By 2012 Unleashing Vengeance would go down a more folk metal styled route and more mixing issues would creep in...  The music was fine but the production was only a little better. Later on the production would be fixed by "remastering" the songs done this year. But back when they first came out, it didn't sound great... By this time I had found, and uploaded my stuff there, which was a big mistake later, but at first we did really well there...  Faster riffs were being added in including riffs like the intro riff of the following song... These riffs would take over the sound in 2013 and later but they were not always there... These riffs sounded like high pitched tremolo chord riffs with crazy technical melodies being played over them... It sounded cool...

2012: Song - Exploding Metal

 In 2013 Unleashing Vengeance started with a couple of badly produced albums. I like the first of these, despite it's production but overall it needed to be fixed. Ironically a massive Failure of my mixing PC happened right after the third of these cd's and I had to start from scratch. And while I didn't master the production right away (I had to throw away one cd due to vocal hiss - the vocal track getting the music track recorded in it very quietly - something my onboard soundcard does that I cannot get rid of normally), I eventually fixed the production and  the sound from there on was so good that all the shit about it being "BADLY produced" just didn't apply anymore.  The guitar sound became much more Nu-Metal esque though, with really low notes being played for melody in melodeth riffs... But I didn't see that as a problem because that's not how nu-metal sounds anyway.

The sound was so good that this was my favorite Unleashing Vengeance year. People liked it. But stupidity would also grab it later...  But for now it was fine.. Soundcloud was doing good but got slightly worse in 2014... The sound wasn't exactly like 2012. In fact it was even MORE folk metal sounding now... Elements of non-european folk music were being used a LOT and it started to get way more melodic and exotic sounding...  Love the music we did this one year... It was awesome, well produced and even though the vocals started kind of rough (I fucked up my vocal chords) it was still good..

 2013: Song - The Final Insult

 2014 and 2015:

2014 was very similar to 2013 but didn't start out as good. It was more thrashy and less melodic and way heavier. But the song writing was getting worse... The Complexity of 2013 stuff was not there.. But by mid 2014 that changed and the last 3 cd's done were just as good as 2013 but overall it was worse.

By 2015 the band went through two major issues...


We only did compilations this particular year... But we released our stuff on noisetrade and got some downloads and got huge in Texas.. But stupid people started to call our music Shitcore, A term for noise that sounds like music even though we were NOT that... (Just Listen to all the songs we posted here from 2009-2012 before labeling us as that, that's dumb if you do that without doing the listening first!)


A major trolling incident with the community surrounding a video game (a quite popular one I am a fan of ) lead to Bullshit dislikes of our music being hosted on my gaming channel... Some stupid member trolled me while playing levels I made for the game while saying we had no talent and worse... It got bad...  He even called our music "screamo" which we were NEVER...

By this point very few people on soundcloud liked us but we were taking over on Noisetrade... Unfortunately the success would not last.. Thanks to be deleting my noisetrade and soundcloud accounts and making new ones due to me not liking later stuff anymore and having to get rid of it online, we lost a lot of ground success wise... People did like our old stuff which we never posted on the old soundcloud and noisetrade accounts but when I listened to newer stuff and put it on them again the successs didn't happen...

So we broke up in 2015...

So We formed Homicidal Hammerfist in 2016, did stuff for that and dismembered september that year. Later on I would reform my old Black Metal band Rancid Abomination and tons of idiots would follow it thinking it was rap on twitter (because they were idiots!)... I ended up doing new cd's for Dismembered September, Homicidal hammerfist and Rancid Abomination the next year (2017) and they all came out great. After listeneing to a lot of unleashing vengeance last month, I decided to reform it for this summer only.  We recorded a new album last month/this month and it came out great. Unfortunately the presence for it hasn't been great but it's getting there... I ended up  getting the same damn stupid rap fans shit happen to unleashing vengeance right after the cd came out so I had to get a new twitter for UV, Just like I did for RA when the same thing happened for that band....

Still working on followers now...

2017: Song - Slow Torment

 It's ridiculous how underrated Unleashing Vengeance is. Poeple simply don't like it. My videos have gotten dislikes, people have called in crap, shitcore, indsustrial, it's been confused for rap by idiots, it simply hasn't gone far, minus one site, Jamendo, which I tried recently. It got a LOT of plays there but thats it.. If I tried Jamendo in 2014 and kept it I would have gotten way more... But alas I didn't.. I mean, you will NEVER hear a more technical band in your life, and the vocals have almost always been good..  The folk elements are  there but they are not as consistent as other folk metal bands... The sound is cool and new sounding, yet it really hasn't gotten the attention it deserves....

Monday, July 3, 2017

NEW Unleashing Vengeance cd "Slaughter the Innocent" released!

Well... Since Unleashing Vengeance got back together as a band last week, we've been working hard on a new cd.  Entitled Slaughter the Innocent, the cd is our latest foray into thrashy folk metal. Folk metal you say? Well the decision to write folk metal was not easy. See there is a lot of cheezy folk metal bands out there... Korpiklaani, Finntroll, etc.  Did NOT want Unleashing vengeance to sound like them at ALL... BUT unleashing vengeance has used folk melodies in the past in it's music on guitar so the jump was not that easy to do.... We just had to do it in a non cheezy way... So I relied on a mix of three non-cheezy folk melodies.... American Folk Melodies, Scandinavian Folk melodies (NOT Finnish), and some non-european ones... The result was amazing. The new cd flawlessly mixes those folk melodies with RAW Blackened thrash metal.  And it's very melodic but quite heavy at the same time. nonetheless..

Songs on the new album are quite varied:

Track 1 "Slow Torment" is a blackened thrash song with some American Folk Melodies in it in the break only. It's slower than the others but it's not really slow...

Track 2 "Death to the Craptardery" is much faster and in your face. It's got a killer thrash riff to open it. Unfortunately the vocals have issues...

Track 3 "Death to Tarnsman" is a normal thrash song that sounds like 2012 era unleashing vengeance. Lyrics are quite personal on this one.. It's about some idiot who trolls people who make "bad" levels for a video game while he plays them online... Stupid idiot is what he is, He did it  to me so he sucks... Yet  they worship the fucker. Vocals came out great...

Track 4 "Impeach that Donald Trump Fucker Already" is one of the more interesting ones on the cd musically. It's a technical thrash song with a cool melody and an obvious lyrical theme... This is one of the most controversial songs UV has written along with track 3.  Vocals came out great. This does have an American folk melody thrown in in the chorus...

Track 5 is an instrumental and is the first one to have a strong oriental music theme thrown in. The rest on the cd do this.. Inspiration came from Nile.  Melodies like this were always in Unleashing Vengeance's music but now they are even more pronounced.

Track 6 "Dipshit music service" is about us being kicked off of jamendo along with my other bands.. Stupid... They deserve this... It's similar to track 5, thrashy oriental folk metal.

Track 7 and 8 are instrumentals and one is based on Scandinavian folk music (track 7) while the other is based on Oriental folk music. Both are inspired by the doom addon epic 2. The addon has you play someone fighting through Egypt in tombs and stuff and he runs into a space ship that takes him to outer space, stargate style. In space while fighting space aliens, he dies. He "wakes up" on a beach nearby another Egyptian tomb and after fighting his way through several more, you can feel that this last third of the addon is not in Egypt but in an Egyptian afterlife called Amenthes.  In this afterlife, souls are put through trials to see if they are pure... One involves going to a firey pit where a crocadile headed demon eats your heart of you aren't pure... That pit is in one of the levels later on and later on you end up going through a mortuary and there it tells you you died... Track 7 is about this mortuary and track 8 is about everything before it. It's a brilliant doom addon...

Track 9 is about how is stupid and they refuse to recognize the following metal bands for being great in their stupid "best band per country" list: Windir, Persuader, Summoning, Harlott, Unleashing vengeance and more... I decided to write about it. This is mostly a melodeth song but does have a folky ending...

I released the cd on noisetrade yesterday, less than 2 hours after it got recorded. While the album came out good, I am slightly disappointed with the production. The vocal production is quite off. I don't know if it's because I am using an old Mic that is dying or something but it doesn't sound quite as good as old unleashing vengeance stuff from 2013. Didn't do what I did to it then but I tried to and it sounded horrible, so I had to produce the cd a totally different way.

I did several youtube videos of unleashing vengeance songs for our youtube channel which you can find here...  Below I will link several of them. Among them were videos showing off 4 songs from the new album, and a music video  for the best song on the album.  I also followed 78 people on our new twitter account and only 4 followed me back and 1 is an anonymous person so I have no clue whether that person is a craptard or not. Wish I could block them... So if you like the stuff linked below or our new album on noisetrade, follow us, we need the followers on twitter desperately..

Album download on noisetrade: Here

Our New Twitter page: Here

Music video for Slow Torment (The best song on the new album):

Pathway to Amenthes (The Scandinavian Folk Metal Instrumental)

The Rediculous and the Absurd II (The other instrumental that is about Epic 2)

The Latest Update for the band:

EDIT : It seems Jamendo did NOT kick off our bands from their service. I don't know what the hell happened. One day we could not log in and the bands were all gone from search results and now we're back.... Have no clue what happened..... Maybe the sites were offline for a while? Sorry Jamendo...

Friday, June 30, 2017

Unleashing Vengeance is back together, new album being worked on!

Well I have good news for you guys... Unleashing vengeance may have been broken up... But no more! We are now back together.  After hearing some of our old stuff, I decided to reform Unleashing Vengeance.

It wasn't an easy decision. But I think it was a good one. It has always been my most popular band till recently. It's doing well online and people even liked my videos on youtube talking about the reunion of this band.

The reunion will feature a new album. Entitled "slaughter the innocent", it is a return to form for unleashing vengeance. We recorded the music for it already over a 5 day period.  It has 6 tracks with vocals, 3 without, and overall sounds like a later period unleashing vengeance cd (aka : really technical, thrashy, folk influenced metal).

Track 1 is a slow brooding type song that reflects the mood I have been in lately. It's not a good mood to be in but bad things may be happening in my life very soon if things don't go my way.  This is the first UV cd to not have a fast thrashy opener.

Track 2 is a lot faster and heavier. It also has a lot more complex drumming... American folk melodies are thrown in here during the chorus on accoustic.  This song is about crappy entertainment on TV, not going to say what tv station yet...

Track 3 is a pure thrash song. It is quite heavy and somewhat complex although it's nothing like track 2 in that department. It's about me getting trolled by idiots in the gaming community surrounding a certain FPS game 2 years ago.

Track 4 is a slow, yet super complex technical thrash song with an interesting melody... It has more american folk melodies thrown in in the chorus. This one is a big political statement. Until the cd is out I don't want to reveal what it is  about.

Track 5 is a folk music instrumental.

Track 6 is the first song on the album that blends several different kinds of folk music into metal. It sounds very experimental yet thrashy at the same time. One of the heaviest songs on the cd, but not really complex for a song. This one is about the legendary doom addon hell revealed. This song is going to have black metal vocals, for to fit the theme well it had to be black metal.

Track 7 and 8 are folk instrumentals.

Track 9 is a melodic thrash song with some very technical drum beats and riffs... It has complex melodies as well and has some folk melodies at the end that are non European/American. This one is about how loudwire is stupid and they refuse to mention great music when they do their youtube lists, like Windir, Persuader and Summoning.

Track 10 is going to be an unreleased Windir Cover. I won't include this on the internet do to copyright issues... Song to cover : "The Spiritlord". 

Overall I like the way the cd came out. It is a little bit less complex than old unleashing vengeance. But it's close to older stuff melody and riff wise at least... There are fast songs, slow songs and medium speed ones. It's varied enough for my taste. The drumming is a little bit different this time as well, more focused on prog metal drum beats than jazzy ones like old UV stuff.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Loudwire is a complete joke, they refuse to recognize Windir as the awesome band they were.

Ok... So I saw some best band per country thing on being advertised on facebook. Full of crap it was... Tons of horribly overrated bands being put there for popularity reasons and underrated bands that completely annihilate them being left off the list. It was so pathetically bad that it pissed me off...

Sweden : Opeth
(Should have been Persuader - Sounds way better and Way Heavier than Opeth. Groovy Brutal Power Metal FFS!)
USA : Metallica
(Anything but metallica, come on! I would rather have Unleashing Vengeance, My Old Band here than metallica! (Even Though Unleashing vengeance really isn't that good...))
Australia : Some stupid crappy band
(Should have been Harlott - wtf are they thinking...)
Finland : Who cares what they chose
(If they didn't chose Wintersun they have no credibility)
Austria : Belphegor! (WTF!)

But that doesn't piss me off as much as the complete lack of any sogndal (norway) bands being listed there or anywhere else on their site or any video done by them... These bands are far better than normal norweigan black metal and need to be recognized as how amazing they really are.
No Vreid?... Co'mmon!
No Mistur? Stupid.
No Cor Scorpii? WTF!
No Windir? Fuck you!
I mean these 4 black metal bands collectively shit all over most other black metal bands you can name with Vreids rock n roll riffs, Mistur's Epic Atmosphere, Cor Scorpii's Classical inspired riffs and instrumentation and Windir's fucking sick dark folk melodies, amazing clean vocals, sick guitar solos, and haunting keyboards... Valfar was a fucking Genius! Yet they don't want to mention ANY of these bands ONCE! You put any black metal band FROM THE WORLD against any of these bands and They have a hard time competing at best and get annihilated at worst.

Emporer? Can't beat Windir
Burzum? WTF! Guy is a fucking nazi fuck off... WINDIR >>>>>>>>>>>>>> BURZUM
Mayhem? Windir kills them
Dimmu? A joke. Any of the Sogndal bands eats them alive.
Old Mans Child? Close but still no Windir. Can't beat Cor Scorpii either.
Darkthrone? Windir kills them. Cor Scorpii Also
Satyricon? No Windir, NEXT!
Sarcofago? No Windir
Watain? WTF! It's a joke, no Windir,. These guys made their stupid 10 best black metal bands list but Windir Didn't?  Watain Can't beat Cor Scorpii, OR Vreid either.
Rancid Abomination? No can't beat them either. Comes really close admittedly but.... Yeah.
(And that's MY BAND we're talking about)

There is only THREE black metal bands that are anywhere near WINDIR. The First is Summoning (EPIC Mideival folk influenced black Metal? That's original! AND KICKASS!).. The Second (SURPRISE!) Aren't even from Norway, or even Europe either. (And no they aren't American).... That's Melechesh. Really good band and it's good they got recognized because (IHMO) They have the atmosphere to pull of a really good sound. And it's catchy... Which is a plus.  Where are they from. Israel. Yeah... Israel. Third one is.... BATHORY... Who obviously invented black metal! So they should be ahead, right? Every other black metal band out there sucks compared to Windir and the other 4. These 3 are really good, good enough to be equals... But no others come close.

Windir may be the best sounding black metal band ever. Yet the stupid turds at Loudwire, don't want to give them recognition.... Even their damn stupid "11 AMAZING bands that speak in foreign languages" refuse to mention Windir (Who Speak in Sogndal in 90% of their songs) (but they did mention the faggotry infested crap band Arkona, fuck you!). Fucking Band founder Valfar is dead and has been Dead for over 12 years and No Mention of them at all... Fucking stupid....

If you are a windir Fan go here and piss off some stupid idiots on the comments section:
(It's a stupid list that mentions musicians who died before releasing their masterpeice... NO Mention of Valfar there either, OR chuck from Death, for that matter)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

NEW Rancid Abomination is out! Completely changes the sound of the band for the better! (LONG post)

Ok.... ZA Here... Decided quickly last month that Finality would not be the last Rancid Abomination CD and that Rancid Abomination would go down a different route from now on. Originally conceived as a horrible black metal one man joke band, rancid abomination wrote evil lyrics on purpose that are disgustingly bad at times.  But that's in the past as I move forward to redefine Rancid Abomination and what it should be like with the new cd...

I conceived this cd last month. I was reading the Mothman Prophecies book by John A Keel. It's a book about unexplained things that happened in West Virginia in the 1960s. It's a fascinating read. But it's also a scary read as it goes into A) UFO Sightings B) Men in black sightings C) Alien Contactees D) Other weird crap and E) Sightings of a 7 foot tall bird man thing with red eyes called the mothman.

This book is one of my favorite books ever and it inspired me to write a concept album on paranormal stuff... I wanted to do this for at least one month and I decided to write the music for this album earlier this week.. I entitled the album "Staring into the eyes of madness" and it's out on noisetrade to download for FREE right now..  Download it here  I composed it with a twist... The usual rancid abomination sound was ditched for an expanded sound that adds the following elements on top of the old RA sound without losing that sound much:

A) Totally new rhythm guitar style inspired by Unleashing Vengeance's guitar style but done more in a black metal way. The triplet infested riffs are still there but they are done with muted notes and black metal chords now. This is more of a groovy styled guitar sound and it fits C) well and it unfortunately replaces the old blackened thrash sound the band used to have but... Whatever.
B) Atmospheric Black Metal (think summoning) elements such as medieval instruments, long song lengths, slow drumming and such are used in the 3 atmospheric black metal type songs on the cd... These are generally slow and epic sounding and have trumpet in them and medieval elements thrown in in one case.
C) Far more varied drumming. Drum beats are really experimental sounding on this cd and it shows. Some Drum beats sound quite jazzy sounding. Others are "Hybrid drum beats" based on 1) Rancid Abomination Drum beats and 2) beats other bands do... Bands such as A) Dimmu Borgir B) Summoning C) Unleashing Vengeance and D) Melechesh (!) That being said I am not trying to sound like Oriental (Middle Eastern music inspired) Black Metal here.. I just have been listeneing to that stuff a lot lately and was SLIGHTLY inspired by it. Not inspired enough to want to sound just like it mind you! You will here drum beats that have part of them sound like part of a drum beat Melechesh uses but not the whole thing.. It ends up sounding very experimental but cool nonetheless.
This next one is completely expected coming from me, me being  the biggest WINDIR fan in North america by now!
D) HUGE Inspiration from WINDIR:
This cd is the first cd I've ever done to incorporate WINDIR-ESQUE folk metal melodies into the album. It's huge. I based them on PARTS of a lead guitar melody from the legendary Windir Song Fagning. and altered the pitch of the whole melody than transposed parts of the melody several times by several pitches to get the melodies I do in the cd that sound really folky sounding. But don't worry. This isn't cheezy folk metal stuff here. It's fucking windir. They were the least cheezy folk metal/folk inspired black metal band ever so...
Also some of the cd has some industrial elements thrown in in places. Mostly it was done to add some other influences in. It's especially noticeable on tracks 3 and 5.
So now Rancid Abomination blends in influences from Summoning, Windir AND slight Melechesh influences now... Heh...
Older elements of the band are still there, such as the trademarked delayed harmony style used in 90% of my music, deep evil sounding synths, tons of blastbeats, scary sounding music and creepy lyrics and vocals.

Lyrical inspiration comes from several paranormal things that have happened in US and England since the 1960's. As a firm believer I know some of these things are real. And some of them are quite disturbing...

Track 1 deals with alien Abduction... It's called "The Experiment". It's a brutally fast song with a symphonic style to it. Alien Abduction is a scary concept to open the cd with I think. The song explores screen memories, alien experiments, and other things... The vocal production in it is a bit lacking but it's not too bad. It also has some windir styled melodies..

Track 2 "Abode of the Phantom" deals with a weird "invisible" bigfoot sighting in maine I read about online.  It's weird as hell and the song about it is even weirder sounding. Extremely experimental and ugly sounding, the song has some very dissonant chords and fucked up sounding melodies, and some very groovy drum beats too.. It also has more thrashy and death metal styled druim beats as well..

Track 3 "Mr Apol" deals with a mysterious alien visitor who fed prophecies to John keel in the 1960's through a contactee in Long Island New york. The contactee met this alien several times and it would speak through the contactee and give Keel lots of fucked up prophecies,  that were almost true but not quite... A few were however and it was weird...  The song itself is very heavy and has a brutally heavy thrashy black metal styled start and an industrial styled finish..It also has a windir styled melody in it.

Track 4 "Black Eyes" is about reports of "Black Eyed Children".  Black eyed children supposedly show up on doors of remote towns late at night and asked to be let in. The people who see them experience insane amounts of fear and refuse to let them in. The ones who let them in suffer cancer, dead pets, nose bleeds, radiation exposure and worse. The kids themselves look like kids with out of place clothing and completely black eyes. The song itself is an interesting mix of summoning styled atmospheric black metal and Groovy Black Metal in the vein of Melechesh minus middle eastern elements... It's slow and very evil sounding but very groovy. It's my favorite song on the cd..

Track 5 "Stalker of the Night" is the longest song on the whole album. At 11+ Minutes long it is an epic Medieval/atmospheric black metal (think summoning)  song about the ancient English Legend of Spring Heeled Jack. Spring heeled Jack was a weird winged phantom that showed up in Victorian london in 1837 and later. He was able to jump great heights, breath fire and he had glowing red eyes. He attacked and hurt several woman supposedly but always got away by leaping over fences and things.. He was never caught. The song is a slow epic atmospheric black metal song with mideival music elements thrown in including medieval percussion, such as kettle drums and tambourines, and such. Mix that in with black metal and some Windir Styled melodies and some industrial elements and you get this song. It also has clean vocals but they came out bad... They sound a bit badly mixed and produced but they are there...

Track 6 "Wendigo", is about reported phantoms that resemble the Wendigo Creature from Native American Mythology. I am specifically talking about things that have human bodies and deer's heads.  They show up a lot in sighting reports. There is one report in Colorado where a woman see's something like this haunting her cabin while she and her husband went out hunting into Colorado. Another frightening encounter happens in Oklahoma where 2 guys go up to a mountain to do Astrophotography. They run into wildlife, all running away from them. They then see the phantom, human shape with a deer's head and glowing red eyes.  This story scared the shit out of me. So I wrote about it in this song.  The song is a fast heavy song with strong Dimmu Borgir and Windir Elements thrown in.  It also has some more groovy drum beats in the chorus but they are rarely used and the riffs in this song are super complex and haphazard sounding..

Track 7 "Pukwudgie" is about sightings of "Pukwudgies" in the Freetown state forest. Pukwudgies are evil dwarf things that show up in Local Native American Folklore. People supposedly see them if they go into the Freetown state forest, a supposedly haunted forest, in the same state as me (Massachusetts).  Whether they are hallucinating it or it's something being put into their head is beyond me. But it's happening. The song is similar to the last one and has heavy dimmu Borgir influence in it and also has a very sinister sounding melody being used.. At the end it gets a bit groovy but the beginning is more of a dimmu type song with evil melodies.. It also has a Windir styled melody thrown in..

Track 8 "Staring into the eyes of madness" is about the Mothman itself.  Mothman was seen by hundreds of people in West Virginia in 1967. Right after the sightings ended, the nearby bridge leading into the town colapsed. Many people say the mothman was a death omen. People who saw it died in the bridge collapse. But I don't think so. I do think it was supernatural in origin because it could fly WITHOUT flapping it's wings and could take off vertically like a helicopter without flapping it's wings. It also had Hypnotic red eyes and people who saw it were terrified. Again like Black Eyed Kids, it induced tons of fear. The song itself is a lot more sinister sounding than the last two... It is the second longest song on the album and has foreboding type elements thrown in including a very deep creepy keyboard and evil sounding folk melodies played by trumpets. It also has a Windir styled melody in the break.. It has clean vocals, and unlike track 5 they came out good....

PHEW: That was a lot to type out...

Anyway, I am pleased with the way this album came out in every category but production which is off but it's black metal, so who cares (!). I'm no "production Nazi" and I think maybe the bad production makes it sound better. Lyrically it's awesome and the whole sound of it is very diverse and weird sounding at times and at other times sounds like older RA stuff plus some new influences... It's cool... All the influences mentioned in this post are really good bands people (minus maybe Dimmu), they are worth checking out!

Anyway that's the end of this insanely long post. But before I go... Check out my youtube channel for updates...

Saturday, April 8, 2017

365 radio network and how they REFUSE to support GOOD METAL!

3 Years ago I submitted Unleashing Vengeance to 365 radio network.. They claim to support indie music, so I gave it a shot. Back then Unleashing Vengeance was on lots of crappy sites, soundcloud plays were dropping (this was before I learned about noisetrade and Jamendo) and UV was as underground as you can get. I hoped 365 radio network would listen and play our stuff. Well 5 days after I submitted UV to them, I got no response back. They didn't care.

They over-advertise the fact that they support indie metal. Well, they don't. Because they left Unleashing Vengeance off their rotation. It was stupid.  Ok... So Maybe Unleashing Vengeance isn't the best metal band ever, but it was good, right? Well... They seem to not want to submit any other of my bands either.

Recently, I was in the same situation with Dismembered September and Rancid Abomination, BOTH were failing, Miserably on soundcloud. Only 1 was doing good on Noisetrade.  So I submitted Rancid Abomination and Dismembered September to 365 radio network hoping it would help. So it's been 3 days so far since my submission.... Guess what. They haven't gotten back to me! This is infuriating.

Not that it matters much now since both bands are kicking ass on Jamendo but... They are both amazing bands... Both classics in the #newenglandstyle black metal movement from Massachusetts. Both are a very unique strain of black metal that is only found here among my bands. No one else is doing this style but me and my friends. We deserve to be showcased but no...

What's really infuriating is that, even though Dismembered September is not as good of a band, both bands are outstanding. Dismembered September used to be blackened thrash with the #newenglandstyle melodies over the thrashy riffs. But that is nothing compared to Rancid Abomination, which is maybe the most underrated black metal band out there. Rancid Abomination INVENTED #newenglandstyle melodies (where a note becomes a harmony and another note is played later and forms a harmony after that - all the lead guitars use this style).  There were no other bands before RA doing this style. I've listened to TONS of black metal and haven't heard it once. The closest you get is Cor Scorpii from Norway, but they aren't doing the same exact thing so they really aren't #newenglandstyle at all... So 365radionetwork says they will support indie metal but Ditched Rancid Abomination?! WTF!

Advice to metalheads. NEVER submit your music to internet radio. Go to and upload it there instead. You will get way more exposure with that site than you will with crappy internet radio that refuses to play Rancid Abomination like 365radionetwork!

Friday, April 7, 2017

(C)Rapgate II: How Atom Collector Records Almost ruined my bands presence online

By now you are very familiar with (C)Rapgate.  But if you aren't you will see what I am talking about now... In december 2016 I was marketing my black metal band, Rancid Abomination, during it's reunion after 10 years of inactivity. I used the hashtag #unsignedartist because it was a solo artist. What happened, is some stupid rap fans all assumed RA was Rap! So they put it on a Rap List on twitter. I got tons of rap fans/promoters/DJ's/other stupid idiots liking all my tweets assuming RA (The most Black Metal of any black Metal Band!) Was Rap... This lead me to shut down my twitter for a while and only 1 month later did I recover from this and make another twitter page, but that one now only has 35 followers when the old one had 75 or so. See how idiot rap fans ruin a metal bands career?

Well that is really important to realize because they tried to do it AGAIN, this time to my current Black Metal Project Dismembered September, which was getting pitifully low plays on soundcloud. So I, in Desperation tried something advertised to me on soundcloud, Atom Collector Records. The premise was interesting but it failed miserably.

The premise is that you sign your band up to a site and get 10 "credits". You use them to place your song on rotation on a rotation for a specific genre. For me it was "Rock, Blues, Metal, Indie and Punk" because I was doing Black Metal.  I will get into why these genre BS is bad, but what is really bad is every time your song gets played you lose a credit and once you run out your song gets DISABLED, aka it cannot get more plays, whatosever.

So I tried it.

I got 1-2 plays per song. Great. This free "promotion" sucked ass. So I decided maybe I was doing it wrong. I learned that there was another way to use it. All I had to do was post their playlists. So I did that, I actually Posted playlists filled with 99% Junk music to get my bands noticed. Well it worked kind of. They reposted my music on their soundcloud page but guess what, It lead to A) NO Likes from any metalheads, B) Very few Plays and C) Stupid (C)Rappers liking it thinking it was Dumbass Afro (African American Fronted) Metal (Think Sevendust and shit like that) because I called it Black Metal. Either way it was crapgate all over again. It forced me to delete 4 soundcloud accounts filled with hundereds of followers, 100+ songs in total and worse, in fear of stupid Rappers liking my music more than they were doing so on soundcloud already.

So basically, DONT use Atom Collector Records if you are doing Metal on Soundcloud! you will NOT get exposure. All you will get is a bunch of (C)Raptards liking it. Because that's what was all over Atom Collector Record's Website, Rap, and other kinds of SHIT music like Trap, Electrotrap, Dubstep and worse. Those bands and artists were getting 1000's of plays, meanwhile bands like mine that were doing:

A) Unique melodic black metal with Folk Metal and power metal elements
B) Experimental Thrash with various kinds of  Folk Melodies and industrial elements
C) Blackened Death Metal with Prog, Doom and the Same folk melodies.
D) Blackened Power metal with no vocals...

Were getting PITIFUL plays (1 to 2 per hour) is what I got for doing that.
Meanwhile, On I have gotten at least 60 plays per day and for the first band
I have gotten 263 plays per day! That is at least 10 times as much as before....

So in other Words...

DONT use Atom Collector Records. THEY SUCK!

All of my bands Ditch Soundcloud and are now on #Jamendo

Well due to an utter unpleasant experience on Soundcloud with Atom Collector Records, my bands are now not on soundcloud anymore. I will write about this unpleasantry later on tonight. But for now here are some updates for my bands....

I spent several hours today and yesterday in a frantic rush trying to find the perfect host for my bands now that soundcloud was crapping out on me. I tried A) Myspace music. Could upload tracks there but could not get them to play at all. So I ditched that. I then looked for bandcamp and soundclound alternatives. Tried a bunch. They all fucked up bad. A few were mindless Soundcloud ripoffs with tons of rap/pop/dance/dubstep fags on them. No good for that. I didn't want THAT kind of fanbase for extreme metal, which is 1000000000 times better than that shit anyway! So I decided to rely on two sites that unleashing vengeance did fairly well on when I was trying sites for it in 2014. They were A), and B)  I uploaded all 5 bands to and made a station there. Got some views but no one put my bands on their stations, so it was a complete failure. But fear not, because the next site I tried, worked like a Charm.

I spent most of last night and this morning uploading songs to It was quite annoying how un-user friendly the upload process was, I had to A) Upload .WAV files! (NOT mp3), B) Resize the band's cover image from 512X512 to 600X600 and C) Fill in tons of useless crap like what instruments are in each song!, license info and more. But in the end it payed off.

And did it!

The inconvenience of uploading means you probably will only see 1 track per week per band done now... But the results, boy do they speak for themselves. On soundcloud Rise of the Serpent got 5 plays. Here it got 25! On soundcloud the Rancid Abomination Song Harbinger of fate got 5 plays. On Jamendo it got 46 plays in one day! It didn't even get plays for weeks on soundcloud!  Jamendo is literally shitting all over soundcloud. It's so much better. After YEARS of work I finally found a host that is worth uploading to! No more spam on my mentions saying I should buy free followers, no more rap and dance fans liking my shit, no more "21" (soundcloud rap guide spamming tool/troll) trolling me by spamming likes on 1 song forever, none of that shit. Just tons of plays and no Bullshit!

Below are the band profiles for all 5 of my bands. Dismembered September and Homicidal Hammerfist are the currently active ones. The other 3 are broken up currently but may come back in the future. Here are the total plays per band in less than a day here..

Rancid Abomination:
Dismembered September:
Homicidal Hammerfist:
Caustic Euphony:
Unleashing Vengeance:

And here are links to  the profile, with links on each profile to our facebook and twitter pages, plus a bio for each band that goes into detail on their style!

Rancid Abomination:
Dismembered September:
Unleashing Vengeance:
Homicidal Hammerfist:
Caustic Euphony:

Monday, April 3, 2017

New Dismembered September changes everything for the band...

Major band changes are something that has happened a lot lately...  In January, my old band homicidal hammerfist changed from black metal influenced power metal to black metal. Now the same thing is happening to my other band Dismembered September.  The change was prompted by two things..

A) All of the band members left but me.

B) More Importantly the new cd has to be done differently for it to work.

You see the new Dismembered September (rise of the serpent) takes  the thrashiness of old Dismembered September and replaces it with Mideival Black Metal instead. A HUGE change.  Now the band is an Atmospheric Black Metal Band...  I did this because the new album is a concept album about the story to 3 awesome mideival FPS games, Heretic, Hexen and Hexen 2. I wanted to add mideival elements into the sound, so I decided to make it an atmospheric black metal band before recording the new cd.

Atmospheric black metal is a kind of black metal that is characterized by slow long epic songs and a dream-like sound.  It's a really underrated, yet popular kind of black metal now. Atmospheric black metal bands include Summoning (the genre founder), Caladan Brood, and Obsidian Tongue (a really underrated band from my state).  I decided to bring my band dismembered september down this route once we broke up because our new album will need the mideival instruments (trumpet mostly) and percussion some atmospheric black metal bands use such as Kettle Drums, and others. I wanted to make a mideival black metal album to fit the theme of the games I was writing about. And I just did. It's nothing like older dismembered september (which was all blackened thrash), but it's good in it's own way...

The new cd came out good. It's split into 4 songs with vocals and 4 without. 3 out of 4 without vocals are short little interludes.  The other is a long instrumental for a final track. The 4 other tracks, the ones with vocals are all long songs at least 7 mintues and 3 out of 4 of those are 8+ minutes long.. You get a very long epic feel with this album.

The influence of Summoning on this cd cannot be overstated. I've been listening to summoning for 6 months now and it's been incredible to listen to their style. I wanted to make a project that fused summoning's percussion and Trumpet playing style with Rancid Abomination melodies, keyboards and riffage. What you get when you do that is make very epic yet dark mideival black metal, perfect for a concept album on heretic/hexen games...

I really like the way the cd came out. It's dark and brooding. Something summoning does rarely to me. It's also very mideival sounding. Most of the  tracks came out great. 2 of the tracks with vocals came out mixed a little off but it's not unbearable... I had to fix these 2 tracks and  that's a bummer but still I love the way this cd came out...

Here is a link to the new album... Forgot to add it till now, sorry!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Metal bands that have music that complements Certain Video Games Well....

As a fan of metal, and video games, I like to mix both. So I started listening to metal at the same time as playing a video game a long time ago. Until recently, the choice of what I listened to didn't matter much.. Not so much now.  Now I have found metal bands that fit the theme of the game very close and I chose to play said video game with said band... It all started when I experimented with playing Doom with my black metal band Rancid Abomination. Then I heard about how my new favorite metal band windir was being listened to while people played skyrim... So I wanted to find metal bands that fit the  theme of games very closely, specifically black metal and folk metal bands of various types..

I tried playing Serious Sam while listening to the band Nile. Since Serious Sam takes place in Egypt, and Nile bases their music partly on Egyptian music, the combination I thought would be good. But I severely understimated how cool Nile sounded with sam. The sound of it really complemented the game well... Nile's really dark egyptian melodies made me fear the alien enemies of Serious Sam more than I normally ever would. I've never been so terrified of a game than when I listened to nile a the same time. That was for serious sam : first encounter only. I later on tried another experiment, trying to play the Persian levels in Serious Sam : Second Encounter with the Israeli metal band Melechesh.  That was even more incredible sounding, especially when I was walking around the tower of babel and "doorways to Irkala" was playing. Melechesh blends middle eastern music into their style of metal and they do it incredibly well. It fit the theme of the levels I was playing perfectly... I also tried playing the band summoning, who mix middle ages music into black metal, with  the game Hexen. That was also incredible... The music fit the theme of hexen (a mideival fantasy FPS) perfectly.

So here is a list of metal bands that fit the theme of certain games perfectly.

Game:          Band to listen to while playing game:           reason why:
Wolf3d-         Vreid - Milorg                                               Milorg is a WW2 concept album and
                                                                                             it's music fits ww2 games perfectly.

Doom-           Rancid Abomination - Eternal Hate
and pestilence                                                                    Rancid Abomination is an evil black metal
                                                                                           band I was part of, it fits doom well


Doom 2 (Hell Revealed addons and similar) -Unleashing Vengeance     Unleashing Vengeance was
                                                                                                                my old experimental yet brutal
                                                                                                                thrash band. In maps such as
                                                                                                                Hell Revealed you fight
                                                                                                                hundreds of bosses per level.
                                                                                                                UV's loud and intense brand of \                                                                                                               metal fits that perfectly...

Heretic/Hexen-     Summoning                                           Summoning uses mideival folk music
                                                                                           which is the same music heretic/hexen uses

Mass Effect-         Cor Scorpii                                            Cor Scorpii is a black metal band that
                                                                                           blends classical into their music well
                                                                                           It sounds really dreadful sounding
                                                                                           and fits mass effect well

Serious Sam : FE-    Nile                                                    Nile is inspired by egyptian mythology and
                                                                                           egyptian music

Serious Sam : SE   Chapter 1 - Xipe Totec                       Xipe Totec is a mayan themed death
                                                                                           metal band. Their music fits the
                                                                                           mayan temples well

Serious Sam : SE chapter 2 - Melechesh                          Melechesh blends middle eastern music
                                                                                          with black metal. Their style fits the
                                                                                          persian section of SE really well. Their
                                                                                          melodies are incredible sounding and so
                                                                                          are their vocals.

Dead Space-   Dismembered September - Unitology        My band Dismembered september wrote
                                                                                          a "unitology themed" black metal cd...  

Skyrim-          Windir                                                        Windir was a viking/folk metal band from
                                                                                           norway that had a very atmospheric
                                                                                           dark haunting sound. By far my favorite
                                                                                           band on this list. Too band skyrim sucks..